Breaking Down Barriers Pledge supporters win in General Election

92% of Parliamentary candidates supportive of the Purpose Coalition’s Breaking Down Barriers Pledge have been elected in last week’s UK General Election.

The Pledge was established by Nick Forbes, a former Labour Council Leader who attended Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet from 2020 to 2022 as part of the Breaking Down Barriers Commission. The

Pledge supporters who won in last week’s General Election include Jonathan Brash MP (Hartlepool), Darren Paffey MP (Southampton, Itchen), Lorraine Beavers MP (Blackpool North and Fleetwood), Elsie Blundell MP (Heywood and Middleton North), Catherine Atkinson MP (Derby North), Liz Jarvis MP (Eastleigh), Shaun Davies MP (Telford), Satvir Kaur MP (Southampton, Test), Michelle Scrogham MP (Barrow and Furness), Andrew Ranger MP (Wrexham), and David Taylor MP (Hemel Hempstead), amongst many more.

Prior to the General Election, all candidates across the UK were invited to sign the Pledge, to make a commitment to do all they can to break down the barriers to opportunity in their local communities in three key ways:

1) Supporting local schools, colleges and universities to deliver quality careers advice and mentoring.

2) Working with local businesses and employers to partner with schools and colleges to provide work experience and apprenticeship opportunities.

3) Providing young people from disadvantaged background with work experience or apprenticeship opportunities in their constituency or Westminster office, should they be elected.

The Purpose Coalition and our Commission on Breaking Down Barriers works to shape the role that businesses and organisations can play as responsible parts of society for their customers, colleagues and in local communities, and works with organisations such as the BBC, UK Power Networks, bp, Virgin Money, Co-op Group, Travelodge, Centrica, Leonardo, Sodexo, Channel 4, Reed, Hitachi, Reed, Royal Mail, E.ON, NHS Trusts, local Colleges, Councils and Universities amongst others.

Find out more about the Pledge at


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