Purpose Coalition members celebrated for cross-sector apprenticeship success

Leading Purpose Coalition members have been recognised this week for their outstanding commitment to the promotion and development of apprenticeships across a wide range of sectors.  

At a time when Sir Keir Starmer’s new government has committed to breaking down the barriers to opportunity through education, with a specific focus on high-quality apprenticeships and specialist training colleges, these employers are walking the walk as well as talking the talk.  

Purpose Coalition members Greene King, the BBC, Southeastern Railways and Pennon all featured in the Top 100 Apprenticeship Employers. Developed by the Department for Education, the list showcases the apprenticeship employers that have done the most to provide apprenticeship opportunities over the past 12 months. The rankings recognise not only how many new apprenticeships they take on but also their diversity and the number who successfully achieve their apprenticeships. Since it was first compiled in 2020, more than 1,500 apprenticeship employers from a wide range of industries and business sectors have entered for the rankings. 

Apprentices themselves also rated their apprenticeship experiences, with Greene King, E.ON, British Gas, Tarmac and bp all appearing in their top 100 rating list. But it’s not just businesses investing in their workforce. Public sector organisations also featured, including the NHS. The apprenticeship schemes of Purpose Coalition members South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust and Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust have already been commended in the Coalition’s work with them to assess their social impact, offering people of all ages the chance to combine academic learning with work-based practical application while also finding out about the careers the NHS can offer.  

Universities also have their part to play in equipping their students with the skills that employers need and several were highlighted as providing high-quality apprenticeships, including long-standing Purpose Coalition member UWE Bristol, recognised in the top 50 training providers. Offering enterprise support programmes to industry masterclasses, professional mentoring to business incubators, courses are created in collaboration with industry professions.  

Purpose Coalition Chair and former Education Secretary, Rt Hon Justine Greening, said:

“It’s great to see these Purpose Coalition members celebrated for the success of their apprenticeship schemes. High-quality apprenticeships can have a hugely positive impact on individuals, businesses and the wider economy as an alternative to traditional academic pathways. For employees - whether they are school leavers, graduates or those seeking a job change at other stages in their lives - they offer a clear pathway to acquiring the skills and knowledge they need for rewarding careers, regardless of their background or previous experience. Employers can grow their own talent pool by developing a diverse, motivated and skilled workforce which adds value to their business and helps to generate growth for their local communities and the country more widely.” 

Chair of the Breaking Down Barriers Commission and former member of Sir Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet, Nick Forbes CBE said:

“Labour’s programme for government is one that is geared to economic growth, but that can’t be achieved without the right skills base. Apprenticeships are integral to attracting and developing the talent that exists in every part of the country and transforming it into a skilled workforce. That is why one of the first tasks of the new government was to launch Skills England which will help to protect apprenticeships, ensuring opportunities for young people and lifelong upskilling and retraining for workers. It will also deliver badly-needed reform of the apprenticeship levy to allow businesses more flexibility to use levy funds on the training for skills they need.  

“A key feature of Skills England will be to work in partnership with businesses, local authorities and training providers. The Breaking Down Barriers Commission is already working with the best purpose-led employers to achieve the skills revolution we need and to protect our talent pipeline in challenging economic times. Those that have been recognised in these rankings, as well as the many other organisations we work with who are also delivering fantastic apprenticeship opportunities, understand that organisations need to invest in their greatest asset – their people – if they are to deliver long lasting change.”    

The Purpose Coalition

The Purpose Coalition brings together the UK's most innovative leaders, Parliamentarians and businesses to improve, share best practice, and develop solutions for improving the role that organisations can play for their customers, colleagues and communities by boosting opportunity and social mobility.


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