Watch: Reed in Partnership launches Social Mobility Impact Report

Reed in Partnership, one of the first employment support service providers in the UK, recently launched a Levelling Up Impact Report which assesses how it is currently boosting opportunity across the country and recommends further steps to extend its impact.

The report highlights the key strengths that Reed in Partnership demonstrates in delivering equality of opportunity in the UK, focusing particularly on the following:

Goal 3    Positive Destinations Post 16+

Goal 4    Right Advice and Experiences

Goal 5    Open Recruitment

Goal 6    Fair Career Progression

Goal 8    Good Health and Wellbeing

Goal 10  Closing the Digital Divide

Danny Davis

Danny Davis is a Director of the Purpose Coalition, and leads our work with our corporate members, shaping the future of the purpose agenda. Danny is also an active member of the Labour Party.


Watch: Levelling Up is Back - The News Agents


Listen: Justine Greening explains how government can deliver levelling up.